running multiple programs at a click

Reach me on my site  My World-Ankit Saxena  and give your feedback........

hello friends , i will show you a perfect example of BINDING and batch programming .
 to know about batch programming see my page Batch programming on navigation tabs..
so lets start..
whenever we open computer we want to 
->open a chat window *(see note at last)
->a browser
->or anything else (like notepad)
and how easy it would be for us to open all these
in just a simple click.....

i'll explain how..............
here i am going to make a batch file which will open  notepad,chrome in a simple click
step 1. open  notepad 
step 2. write these commands.........
             start  notepad.exe
             start  chrome.exe

step 3. save this file as (for example) first.bat on desktop           will see first.bat file on desktop

step 5.thats it just click on first.bat and notepad and chrome will open..

Note: you can also convert this .bat file to .exe file using bat to exe converter
also not every extension works . what i want to say is that suppose if you want to add googletalk also and if you write start googletalk.exe .its not necessary that it'll can give error also . 

so to know the right extension you should right click on application like google talk and select prpperties and select the right path and then write. may be you have to change directory .
(use cd command)
so it depends entirely on you how you familiarise yourself with computer.

you can ask your doubts on

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