how to shutdown or restart a remote computer

Welcome back again......................
Today with a deep refreshment lets see How to shutdown or restart a remote computer .

     First of all these things must be considered and must be running :
1 )  If you are able to ping another computer then you can use this service The simple meaning is that the computer should be connected under same network.
           How to check whether computer can be accessed or not?

to do this just open cmd prompt and write
ping <space> <remote computer ip address>

      Example :  ping 000.00.000
                                          [  Explained for windows 7 ]

2 ) Another requirement is that Remote Registry Service must be started on remote computer.
 to do this ,click START and write services.msc  

Services management console will appear.

Search for REMOTE REGISRY in content panel and double click it and click START.

Now all the requirements are completed .
lets begin actual part.................................................>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.......

                                  [ tutorial explained for windows 7 ]
1 )  Click Start and write shutdown /i 

2 ) remote shutdown dialog will appear

3 ) click Add and to write name of remote computer.
 Tip : you can also browse to find computers using browse button.

4 ) There are several options available like what messake to be displayed on remote computer and options for restart or shutdown.

5 ) click Ok.

6 ) thats it now you can remote restart or shutdown a remote computer................................

                           how to make a virus undetectable
Welcome , Lets refresh  our progress by understanding how to make a virus undetectable from an antivirus software .
There are thousands of viruses,keyloggers available to be used but the problem is that the antivirus with updated definitions catch those viruses.
So if a person wants to use them (eg. trojan like beast) antivirus detects it.
So the question is that how to make them undetectable ?????

Cool Text: Logo and Graphics Generatorhow does antivirus work ?

Antivirus while scanning reads the headers of a particular file and then compares it with the definitions in its database and if it matches means it is virus and it detects it. In this way virus gets detected.

Cool Text: Logo and Graphics Generator
How to make virus undetectable from antivirus ?

Now comes the actual part. In order to make it undetectable you'll need 3 things

Both are freely available on net just google and dwnld it.

Now follow the steps :
1.)   Stop your antivirus so as to do our work.
2.)   split the virus file in 2 parts by file splitter.
What we want to do is that we will split virus file in 2 parts then scan each part with antivirus . Virus definitions (i.e headers) will be present in only 1 part then we will again split that part (containing headers ) in 2 parts and then again scan it with antivirus . Virus headers will be present in only one part. then again split it ,scan it 

3.) Continue this process until a very small size file is left which contains headers of virus which antivirus detects.

4.) Now we have smallest file having virus headers.

5.) Open that file with Hex Editor and then change hexas accordingly any way you want.


7.) Join that splitted virus/trojan file again using file splitter (this software works both splitter and joiner)

8.) NOW you have virus/trojan which was earlier detected but now UNDETECTABLE . use it in any way you want

******            Enjoy   ***************

                                            HOW to make your computer a server

hi friends today lets talk how to make your computer a server.

see basically a server is a computer which is able to send or accept requests.
The best option for WINDOWS  users is to set up IIS (built in component in windows ) in your computer.

IIS expanding to INTERNET INFORMATICS SERVICES is a feature of windows to make your pc a server so that it can serve and handle requests........and now i gonna tell how to make your computer a server...
................... here the steps are shown for both windows xp and vista................................
step 1 : first of all find the option for Turn Windows Features on or off
             vista -> start > control panel > click on programs >  from programs and features select turn windows features on or off..
               xp -> start > control panel > click add or remove programs > from left pane select add or remove windows features....


snapshot for vista

step 3 : mark the checkbox for Internet informatics services. and Dclick on ok..
            that's it iis is ready to use on your pc

step 4 : now comes the actual work . we have set up server but how to make homepage...
             after IIS is installed you can see INETPUB named folder in c:\ drive ( that is main drive)

step 5:in the folder inetpub you can see a folder named WWWROOT double click it.

step 6: you can see an INDEX.HTM file for IIS

step 7: make your own simple html page in either notepad or dreamweaver or anything else and save it with name index.htm

step 8: come back on wwwroot folder . remove that that pre existing index file and paste your index.htm file.

step 9: now go to c:\windows\system32\inetsrv(folder)\
                 and then look for iis manager 

step 10 : under iis manager look for default document and double click it .

step 11: in text field remove previous written file names and write your own file name that is index.htm

step 12 : now open browser and type localhost in address bar (http://localhost/)
                and you will see your index.htm file whatever you have written in it...

step 13 : if your computer is on and if any other person writes your system ip address in adresss bar then he also can see your homepage ...
                for example if machine ip is the they should write 
            ( getting system ip address is easy just write ipconfig in cmd and there you can find it )

step 14 : see ip address looks awkward isn't it so you can name it using DNS services from 3rd parties like your server is ready to use but remember to make pc on while looking for your homepage.........enjoy...................................

                                        How To Make A WEB  BROWSER 

After a long time its time to move on..........................................
                        well today lets talk about   how to make a web  VISUAL C# USING VISUAL STUDIO....................

Well let's talk on it....................
STEP 1 : well first step would be to make a textbox where user will put address to open thet page.
               Let the name of textbox is ' textbox1 '
STEP 2 : So we have to make a butto (say) with name GO .

now our work is to make that address open by clicking on go .....................................

                            here is the snippet..............

          private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string WebPage = "";
            WebPage = textBox1.Text;
            if (WebPage != "")

                   lets understand what we have done...................
  By default let the string in textbox be empty shown by " "
 so if  string written is not empty then SURF that which is done by the statement............

Now the whole thing is on your part............................
if you want BACK BUTTON use code............

if you want FORWARD BUTTON  use code 
                webBrowser1.GoForward( );

*********************************** ENJOY  ***********************************


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